Kheiron launches Patient and Public Involvement Strategy
On 21st February 2023 we launched our Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Strategy.
Below you can watch the recording of the webinar where Niccola Hutchinson-Pascal from UCL’s Co-Production Collective shared how her team supported us to co-produce the strategy alongside the members of our Patient Public Involvement Advisory Board, ensuring we were working in equal partnership and living the values of co-production.
In the webinar, we introduce the members of our PPI Board, who were heavily involved in the co-production of our strategy. Our Board is made up of cancer survivors, women of breast screening age, people with a family history of breast cancer and people with loved ones that have been affected by cancer. Their diverse insight, knowledge and experiences informs the way Kheiron introduces AI into the NHS breast screening programme. They presented our strategy in their own words; including our vision, mission and action plan for the coming months.
Tip: to watch a larger version of the video, once it has started playing, press the YouTube button in the bottom right.